tisdag 19 oktober 2010

Mountain goat

Ok, after a long break of travelling Europe living viking life I'm back in black. Or at least I'm spontaneously climbing big mountains in Poland/Slovakia with J (they couldn't quite decide who the mountain really belongs to so the bordermarks are put up along the peaks of the red mountain).

Halfway (1500m?) we took a shot of honey vodka (we're in Poland, it would be weird not to) in a cute little inn. A few hundred metres higher the clouds took over and we found ourselves staring at a mountain goat, who was polite enough to stare back for a while. The condensed water created a white landscape of ice crystals on everything, including our hair. Next time we hopefully have a better camera than our cellphones.

Now for the funny Polish spelling: we went up at Hala Gasienicowa to Kopiec Krolowei. Went on to Kasprowy and Czerwone Wierchy... and then down. Somehow my foot got sad (I blame walking downwards from 2000m height) so I'm inwalido right now.

This evening I'm off to Sweden. Hoping there are more silly adventures around, and that my foot starts working better again. Take care!

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