tisdag 30 november 2010

Body art - Evgeny Freeone

Some pics from Evgeny Freeone who makes really inspiring body art. I stumbled on it when I did some random search for body paint pictures last year.


tisdag 23 november 2010

The Evil Mrowkojad Association

At some point we'll take over the world.;)

onsdag 17 november 2010

Steampunk session

Since my steampunk stuff usually decorates my desk I thought it would be good to give them some fresh air, so took them out for a photoshoot.

Victorian/old military accessories:
Coachmans(?) top hat
Pocket watch
Navy belt
Sam Browne belt
Russian flight goggles
Mosquito spats (I have about 85 pairs of that kind, should probably sell them or something)

The necklace is hand made from Belgium with a real rose coated in plastic and the blouse is part of an old Victorian theatre costume. The corset is from What Katie Did and the skirt cut out from a second hand one. The telephone is new.

At times, I feel a bit like the mad hatter...

torsdag 11 november 2010

Sudden snow

Went to Ulricehamn a few days ago, and found the town completely covered in snow. Next time I'll bring hat and gloves... and maybe a flame thrower in case the snowmans attack.

lördag 6 november 2010


Freakshow time again, finally got to dress up for halloween.

My camera always goes psychedelic/surrealistic (by itself) when it gets close to Freakshows dance floor. It usually ends up in some nice pictures though so I guess it's ok.

The master of acupuncture showed up... will he make our suffering legendary, even in hell?

Vampire vs Tiger...
Who has the most fierce grin?

Radioactive swamp zombie

söndag 31 oktober 2010


A few songs to set the mood for today.^^

Halloween - Stephen Lynch
This is Halloween - The Nightmare Before Christmas
Monster Mash - Bobby "Boris" Pickett

Halloween does light up the autumn. When it gets a bit to cold to roam the forests hunting chanterelles (yes, it's hunting 'cause they would run if they could), you get pumpkinheads and masquerades to look forward to. Instead of barbies the toy stores sells the-essential-goth make up, witch hats and bats. It might be just another way to make commercial money, but I still think it's charming for a change.


"A pinch of your brother a teaspoon of you
With the head of your sister would make a good stew
I'd give you a taste but you're tongue's in the stew; irony
That's what Halloween means to me "

lördag 30 oktober 2010

Halloween - tribute

Since it's soon Halloween I figured it's time to come up with something new, but first I explored some of my old weird outfits from the last year - and figured I'll just have to continue being slightly crazy, because it's so fun.

Absynth, my zombie-version of Elisabet Báthory

Intergalactic party people at Freakshow, even got to
paint Slutty turqoise. I had diods in my hair that were blinking in different colours... and the red paint is UV colour.

Freakshow again (or "Freaky Queer Allstar" at that time), old school horror á la 1920

We were going to Absynth and Monochrome, absynth is green and mono had X-mas theme so I figured the Grinch would work. Didn't realize that it was UV-colour until we were on the dance floor, haha. The Grinch goes light bulb.

Polychrome, when mono goes colourful once a year...

Halloween 09
, sea creature... and not mother of the Hulk (as some drunk people on the tram thought).

So, what to do this Halloween...?

fredag 29 oktober 2010


I forgot the charger to my camera somewhere so can't snap any new pics right now... but I can always upload some old pics instead.

Partly hand made tattoo á la 2010

Spontaneous tattoo made by my friend Kai. Surprise-visited him in Copenhagen at Kunsten på Kroppen a couple of months ago and he says:

"Hmmm, I have a cancellation tomorrow... would you like to get a tattoo?"

... of course I said yes, on the condition that he made a viking dragon (urned style) with ivy leafs. The next day he attacked me with a pointed stick and part of the result is shown above. ;) The lines are made with machine and the dots with a needle on a stick. Pimped my leg.

I made him do a small dot on my little toe as well, just for the sake of it.


Black light tattoo á la 2009:

My first tiny and invisible tattoo.

On the pick below J gets his gothic letters.

Let's just hope we don't get cancer.^^ One and a half year later we're still alive and healthy, the scarring is hardly visible but the blacklight-shiny-effect has faded a bit (as excpected though).

Above: moi, newly made triquetra 2009.

tisdag 19 oktober 2010

Mountain goat

Ok, after a long break of travelling Europe living viking life I'm back in black. Or at least I'm spontaneously climbing big mountains in Poland/Slovakia with J (they couldn't quite decide who the mountain really belongs to so the bordermarks are put up along the peaks of the red mountain).

Halfway (1500m?) we took a shot of honey vodka (we're in Poland, it would be weird not to) in a cute little inn. A few hundred metres higher the clouds took over and we found ourselves staring at a mountain goat, who was polite enough to stare back for a while. The condensed water created a white landscape of ice crystals on everything, including our hair. Next time we hopefully have a better camera than our cellphones.

Now for the funny Polish spelling: we went up at Hala Gasienicowa to Kopiec Krolowei. Went on to Kasprowy and Czerwone Wierchy... and then down. Somehow my foot got sad (I blame walking downwards from 2000m height) so I'm inwalido right now.

This evening I'm off to Sweden. Hoping there are more silly adventures around, and that my foot starts working better again. Take care!

tisdag 15 juni 2010


England from above...

Film: This is England (will see it when I have some extra time)

Had a nice weekend in Norway with my lil sister. Bad weather resulted in quite few pics, but we had fun anyway.:) I managed to offer a German his own beer and Pluttis (sis) threw sticks at Danish women.

Nice Polish, Norwegians, Patraskar, Germans etc. Live throat singing and mouth harp in the car on the way home was definitely memorable as well.

fredag 4 juni 2010


Soon time to travel to Colchester Medieval and Oyster Fayre. It'll be interesting to investigate how the interaction between Oysters and Dark Ages works out.

Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Öyster Cult

Märk Hur Vår Skugga - Medieval Baebes
Herr Mannelig - In Extremo

tisdag 1 juni 2010

Cavalcade of Indian animals

Animals are fascinating. Here's a little picture cavalcade dedicated to the Indian animals we ran inte during our trip (somehow we got away without bite marks or rabies - skills!):

(Find two mongoose...)